C2C - Closer To Client
Closer To Client
Emotions become your competitive advantage. Your customers are loyal. Clients of the competition become yours.

The purpose, the “why”, feeds a successful business activity. To make their contribution and surprise your clients, whoever in your company regularly interacts with them, today has three tools: technology, quality and emotions. I want the latter to become your competitive advantage in the face of increasing competition, reduced margins and changing scenarios. Talking emotions, our native language.

That’s why I designed C2C – Closer to Client, for a sales strategy that focuses on the authenticity of your stakeholder. Together we design a model of interaction / meeting with the client, we identify the expertise and soft skills (not the behaviour) necessary for your employees and, finally, we carry out the implementation at various levels in the company, even on a large scale. The effect? Your customers express themselves for who they are and share their emotions with you, they follow you, they are loyal, grateful and, in turn, spread authenticity, while terms and conditions of the offer take second place. Clients of the competition, on the other hand, become yours. If in the list of skills and expertise of Google managers the first seven are soft and the first ever is coaching, there’s going to be a reason!

Emotions cleverly aroused and solicited? No, thank you, I prefer mine: when I buy goods, receive a service, sign a contract, invest my money, etc.”. I can almost hear your voice.

What it gives youA distinctive competitive advantage and a business retention/development tool for the company, EI and other soft skills for the employees.
What you doDevelop a model of interaction/meeting with the client, identify the necessary skills and implement at various levels of interest in the company.
Who participatesYou and the group of selected employees of the sales and human resources departments.
What it isCoaching and training meetings in person and/or online, within a development process in phases-objectives.